Do you sometimes leak urine when you cough or sneeze? If so, your doctor may have told you that you have stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Stress urinary incontinence may occur when the structures that help hold urine in your bladder become weak.
The Symptoms of SUI
If you have SUI, you may leak urine when you:
- Cough, sneeze, or laugh
- Lift something heavy
- Exercise
Normal Urine Control
The bladder holds urine until you are ready to let it flow out. These structures help:
- The pelvic floor muscles and connective tissue help hold the pelvic organs in place. When the muscles and connective tissue are strong, the urethra and bladder are well supported. This helps keep the urethra closed, so urine doesn’t leak.
- The urethral sphincter is a band of muscles around the urethra. When these muscles are strong, they keep urine in the bladder. These muscles relax when you want urine to flow out.
If Urine Leaks Out
The pelvic floor muscles and connective tissue may stretch, weaken, or tear. Weak or torn structures can’t support the urethra and bladder. The urethral sphincter may also weaken. These changes can cause urine to leak. The changes may be caused by:
- Pregnancy and vaginal childbirth
- Constant coughing (such as with bronchitis)
- Being overweight
- Aging